You can return the product when you receive it in 30 days. For personalized items, we don’t accept a return.

For personalized items, we don’t accept any exchange.

If it’s not a personalized item and there’s no quality or design problem, you need it to be returned, you’re liable for all the postage. Making sure the goods are in perfect condition.

If you’re facing problems below, we’ll be at our own expense to send you a new one or have you fully refunded.

  1. Wrong designs (Usually this term works with customization requests).
  2. Broken products. ( We guarantee you that all our goods are in a perfect situation the moment sending out to you. But once you received a broken product. Please refer to term 4 below).
  3. The shape is much too different from the picture and description.
  4. Package lost or meeting the above three terms (Please allow us 1-2 working days to negotiate with the shipping carrier). You will have a timely reply while we finish within this period. And we’ll make advances for you without any further delay after we get confirmation from the shipping carrier.
  5. The color difference is not included in the above terms.

You can request an order cancelation and full refund within two hours of your purchase.

If any further questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]